Episode 74

Published on:

13th Apr 2023

OWN STORIES with Fiona Murphy

Fiona Murphy is a journalist, memoirist and non-fiction writer. As a Deaf writer, she is very interested in the rise of Own Voices as an important consideration for any artist working in a diverse space, be that around race, language, culture, sex/gender identity, disability or any other of the many diverse stories that can be told.

In this interview, Fiona talks about Own Voices as an approach that should value listening over ticking boxes, and discusses sensitivity reading, the obligations of writers vs editors/publishers, and much more.

This was recorded as part of Fiona's participation in WestWords' Daffodil Cottage residency program.

NOTE: Views expressed in this podcast are not necessarily those of the WestWords organisation.

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The WestWords Podcast
Short and sweet interviews with some of WestWords' favourite presenters
These bite-sized conversations with some of WestWords' favourite presenters cover many of the skills required by writers of all stages of development, from the heart of Greater Western Sydney.